Consulting or Mentoring

Sometimes you just need a professional's help. We'd love to provide that professional. Select your number of consulting or mentoring hours by adjusting the quantity below.
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Get professional help with our consulting and mentoring services

We have an expert for that.

Trying to get an interactive object to behave itself in Articulate Storyline? Is your quiz not working correctly in Adobe Presenter? Perhaps you need an advanced action for IconLogic LogoAdobe Captivate and just can’t noodle it through?

Stop wasting time and return to productivity! We are happy to provide live, online, one-on-one consulting and tutoring in Adobe Captivate, Adobe RoboHelp, Adobe Presenter, Techsmith Camtasia Studio, Adobe FrameMaker, or the Microsoft Office suite. You can purchase a single hour of support or multiple hours. Need to meet with us after hours? No problem. Our support team is flexible and can meet with you on a mutually agreeable time or date (even on the weekends).

We are happy to provide one-on-one consulting and tutoring on a variety of topics and software titles. Please choose your topic from the drop-down menu above. We also offer one-on-one reviewing and editing of your technical documents and projects. Price is per hour. To purchase more than one hour of consulting, change the quantity in your shopping cart.

Not sure what you'll need? Call us at 888.812.4827 or email us to discuss.